Winmeta makanan pokok sel tubuh.Winmeta energy booster for body cell.Memperbaiki sel tubuh yg rusak
Tubuh terdiri atas sel,dari sel darah sampai sel rambut.Semua sel harus dapat cukup makanan baru bisa cukup energi untuk proses dan memperbaiki diri.Winmeta adalah makanan pokok sel tubuh.I have not seen any other product in the 25 years of integrated medical practice that come close to winmeta in terms of instantly enhancing energy and anti aging cellular food (Dr.Mark Smith Ph.D. N.D).Winmeta is what you need for the life of your cells (Dr.Somchai Boonchuen Ph.D).
Senin, 28 Oktober 2013
Testimoni orang luka bakar pulih dengan konsumsi winmeta
Dijual winmeta. Minat pemakai/agen?
Info hubungi/sms Frengkie. Ada pertanyaan kirim sms whatsapp messenger handphone +61434265909. Blackberry messenger (Bbm) pin 564200B5. .Email
Selasa, 13 November 2012
Winmeta food for body cell (winmeta makanan pokok sel tubuh).Bekatul import Thailand
WinMeta is especially formulated to give each cell the food they need.
Its main component is Alpha PSP. Research prove that this play a major role to boost immune system.
WinMeta helps cell to repair itself and rejuvinate. It also help in delays the sign of aging and helps REVERSE chronic and degenerative diseases.
Tubuh terdiri atas sel,dari sel darah sampai sel rambut.Semua sel harus dapat cukup makanan baru bisa cukup energi untuk proses dan memperbaiki diri.Winmeta adalah makanan pokok sel tubuh.
Winmeta adalah bekatul ( tepung beras ) import dari Thailand.
Dijual winmeta. Minat pemakai/agen? .
Info hubungi/sms Frengkie +6282112908670.Email
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012
Winmeta is certified Healthier Choice by Health Promotion Board of Singapore

Pendapat para dokter mengenai Winmeta : (terjemahan diatas )
"Selama 25 tahun bekerja di bidang medis, saya belum pernah melihat produk-produk lain yang mendekati kemampuan Winmeta dalam meningkatkan energi secara instan dan sebagai makanan anti-aging pada tingkat sel."
Dr. Mark Smith PhD, N.DM-
Winalite Australia merekomendasikan winmeta untuk diabetes,kolesterol tinggi,jantung koroner,kekebalan tubuh lemah,energi tubuh lemah.
WinMeta - Energy-booster for Body Cells!
Winmeta is designed to provide essential nutrients to adequately nourish the trillions of cells in our bodies.Winmeta is what you need for the life of your cells.
Contains whole long grain organic brown rice ( bran, fibre, rice bran oil and germ) grown in the Siam Valley in Thailand.
Promotes: muscle tone, strengthens brain and lung cells, nourishes and smoothes the skin, improves memory, increases energy, strengthens the immune system.
If your cells are not getting the nutrition they need, the results can be quite startling.
-Low Energy
-High Cholesterol
-Heart Disease
-Lowering of Immune System.
Suitable for all ages:
2-3 scoops per day before meals or during meals.
Winmeta, natural wholefood is now available to purchase throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Feel the difference.
WinMeta is especially formulated to give each cell the food they need.
Its main component is Alpha PSP. Research prove that this play a major role to boost immune system.
WinMeta helps cell to repair itself and rejuvinate. It also help in delays the sign of aging and helps REVERSE chronic and degenerative diseases
Testimony gagal ginjal (failure on kidney) and gangguan pendengaran sejak lahir(hearing problem since born),diabetic
Kesaksian winmeta : Eka Prasetia dan Yunita Puspitasari, orang tua dari Muhammad Aufar Maulana, 6 tahun, Jakarta..... Saya memiliki anak usia 6 tahun saat ini yg mengalami gangguan pendengaran sejak lahir. Gangguan pendengaran ini disebabkan karena ketika dalam kandungan, ibunya terjangkit virus rubella. Virus ini dapat diatasi namun dampaknya masih diderita anak saya yg mengalami gangguan pendengaran. Gangguan ini bru terdeteksi di usia 4 bulan. Dengan level pendengaran utk telinga kanan 70 db (desibel) dan kiri 110 db. Dimana manusia normal level pendengaran maksimal 30 db. Sejak terdeteksi tsb, anak saya menggunakan alat bantu dengar. Sejak menggunakan alat bantu dengar, setiap 6 bulan sekali dilakukan fitting alat bantu dengar berdasarkan hasil audiometri. Rata2 hsl audiometrinya telinga kanan freq 500hz : 75db, 1 khz: 80, 2 khz: 70, 4khz : 60, 8 khz : 70. Telinga kiri 500hz : 100 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 110, 4 khz : 105, 8 khz : 90. Pada bulan may sejak diluncurkan winmat, anak saya tidur di atas winmat dan sejak diluncurkannya winmeta, anak saya juga mulai mengkonsumsi winmeta 3 kali sehari stgh scoop. Sejak saat itu respon anak saya lbh baik dan dibuktikan dengan hasil audiometri tgl 11 Juli 2012 telinga kanan freq 500hz : 60db, 1 khz: 65, 2 khz: 55, 4khz : 50, 8 khz : 50. Telinga kiri 500hz : 90 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 100, 4 khz : 95, 8 khz : 85. Hasil tersebut cukup mengejutkan, karena peningkatan 10 - 15 db itu adalah sangat signifikan. Bahkan terapis yg biasa melakukan test juga heran dgn hasilnya.Sebenarnya sebelum tes sudah agak curiga ada peningkatain pendengaran dari konsumsi winmeta dan menggunakan winmat karena anak saya mulai tidak nyaman dgn alat bantu dengarnya dan suka menolak pakai alat. Malah bilang,"mama, aufar itu sudah mendengar" Dari peningkatan tersebut, saya sangat bersyukur sekali.Fitting alat bantu dengar anak saya disesuaikan dgn hasil yg signifikan. Saya yakin dgn terus mengkonsumsi winmeta dgn alpha PSP nya, pendengaran anak saya akan lebih baik lagi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kesaksian Winmeta : Saripah 31 tahun: Dari umur 29 tahun mengalami gagal ginjal, selama 2 tahun ini harus cuci darah terus (seminggu 2x), perutnya membesar karena tidak bisa buang air kecil, kaki membesar, sesak napas dan selalu berbaring diranjang dgn menggunakan alat bantu oksigen, utk berjalan susah, susah makan dan sulit tidur. Setiap kali kerumah sakit harus pakai kursi roda, tidak boleh minum air banyak, sama dokter cuman boleh emut semacam es batu. Dan sudah 8 bulan tidak haid. Minum Winmeta: Dihari ke 3: pagi dan siang bisa BAB dan kencingnya lancar. Detox awal keluar muntah darah kotor, setelah itu badan langsung enakan dan mulai membaik. Setelah hampir sebulan (hari ini kami sudah ketemu orangnya langsung-dan dia sharing di WShow dan present PJP) badannya sudah normal, kaki normal, hari ini sudah bisa minum air putih lancar, kencingnya lancar, wajah segar sekali (kelihatan seperti org tidak sakit), bisa pergi belanja, ke RS gak pakai kursi roda lagi, sampai semua suster pada heran, bisa naik turun tangga rumah sakit, nafas normal, nafsu makan normal dan sudah haid sekarang! Diperiksa dokter kadar kalsium sekarang normal, kadar racun turun jauh, ini masih menunggu pemeriksaan racunnya lagi dr RS. Kata dokter klo nanti racunnya hilang, kemungkinan sudah gak perlu cuci darah lagi. Thanx God, Dahsyat!!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kesaksian winmeta . Beni Jakarta Saya adalah penderita diabetes yang cukup parah. Gula darah puasa saya 250. Gula darah setelah makan 300-400. Setiap hari harus 3X disuntik insulin. Sekali suntik menghabiskan 15 unit. Setelah mengkonsumsi Winmeta, gula darah saya jadi normal.
Info lanjut hubungi Frengkie +628158861516, 082112908670. Email Peluang bisnis prodak kesehatan winmeta berkhasiat. Reseller welcome
Testimoni winmeta diatas dari winalite singapore website
Eka Prasetia and Yunita Puspitasari, (parent of Muhammad Aufar Maulana, 6yrs, Jakarta)
I have a boy, 6years old, who has hearing problem since born. It was because during pregnancy, the mother was infected by virus rubella. The virus was healed, but the impact was on my son who has problem on hearing.
This was detected when he was 4 months, with level of hearing was 70decibel on the right ear and 110db on the left one. While, normal people is maximum level on 30 db. Since detected, my son uses a device to help his hearing.
Since then, we need to adjust the the device setting & fitting based on the audiometri test every six months. Averagely the audiometri test frequency results on the right ear are 500hz : 75db, 1 khz: 80, 2 khz: 70, 4khz : 60, 8 khz : 70.
And the left ear are 500hz : 100 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 110, 4 khz : 105, 8 khz : 90.
Since the launcing of Winmat in May 2012, my boy sleeps on the winmat. And also since Winmeta was launched, he started to comsume it three times a day with half scoop each time.
Since then, the response of my boy is getting better and it's proven by the audiometri test result on tgl 11 July 2012, the right ear: 500hz : 60db, 1 khz: 65, 2 khz: 55, 4khz : 50, 8 khz : 50. And the left ear: 500hz : 90 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 100, 4 khz : 95, 8 khz : 85.
These results are quite suprise, because the improment of 10 - 15 db is very significant.
Even the therapist who usually gives him a therapy was surprised with the results.
Actually before took the test, we were already suspicious on the hearing improvement through winmeta consumtion and use of winmat, because the boy was starting not comfort with the hearing device and reject to use it, even he said "mommy, Aufar can hear".
From this improvement, we are very grateful. We believe with continuing consume Winmeta with the Alpha PSP, the hearing of my boy will be better.
Testimony on Winmeta : Saripah 31yrs:
Since was 29yrs, I had been failure on my kidney, and have been continuing had dialysis in these 2 years (twice a week), my stomach begun to be bigger because could not pee, the legs were also bigger, shortness of breath, always lay down on the bed with oxygen tools, cannot walk well, can not eat well and hard to sleep.
I have to use wheelchair to go to the hospital, not allowed to drink much. Doctor only allowed me to chew a small ice stone. I had not had menstruation in 8months.
After consuming Winmeta:
Day 3: morning and afternoon, I had pee and defecate well. Early detox was throw up dirty blood from my mouth, after then my body is totally better.
After almost a month, her body is normal, also the legs. Today can drink pure water, and bright on her face (totally not like a sick person), can go shopping, and no need to use wheelchair to the hospital, even the nurses are suprised because she can walk on the stairs in the hospital, have normal breath, and have her menstruation back!
After checked by the doctor, the calcium standard is normal again, the poison level drop to low. Now she is waiting for the test, if it's low enough, the doctor said she might not need to have dialysis anymore. Thank God, Dahsyat!!!!
Kesaksian winmeta . Beni Jakarta Saya adalah penderita diabetes yang cukup parah. Gula darah puasa saya 250. Gula darah setelah makan 300-400. Setiap hari harus 3X disuntik insulin. Sekali suntik menghabiskan 15 unit. Setelah mengkonsumsi Winmeta, gula darah saya jadi normal.
Info lanjut hubungi Frengkie +628158861516, 082112908670. Email Peluang bisnis prodak kesehatan winmeta berkhasiat. Reseller welcome
Testimoni winmeta diatas dari winalite singapore website
Eka Prasetia and Yunita Puspitasari, (parent of Muhammad Aufar Maulana, 6yrs, Jakarta)
I have a boy, 6years old, who has hearing problem since born. It was because during pregnancy, the mother was infected by virus rubella. The virus was healed, but the impact was on my son who has problem on hearing.
This was detected when he was 4 months, with level of hearing was 70decibel on the right ear and 110db on the left one. While, normal people is maximum level on 30 db. Since detected, my son uses a device to help his hearing.
Since then, we need to adjust the the device setting & fitting based on the audiometri test every six months. Averagely the audiometri test frequency results on the right ear are 500hz : 75db, 1 khz: 80, 2 khz: 70, 4khz : 60, 8 khz : 70.
And the left ear are 500hz : 100 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 110, 4 khz : 105, 8 khz : 90.
Since the launcing of Winmat in May 2012, my boy sleeps on the winmat. And also since Winmeta was launched, he started to comsume it three times a day with half scoop each time.
Since then, the response of my boy is getting better and it's proven by the audiometri test result on tgl 11 July 2012, the right ear: 500hz : 60db, 1 khz: 65, 2 khz: 55, 4khz : 50, 8 khz : 50. And the left ear: 500hz : 90 db, 1 khz : 110, 2 khz : 100, 4 khz : 95, 8 khz : 85.
These results are quite suprise, because the improment of 10 - 15 db is very significant.
Even the therapist who usually gives him a therapy was surprised with the results.
Actually before took the test, we were already suspicious on the hearing improvement through winmeta consumtion and use of winmat, because the boy was starting not comfort with the hearing device and reject to use it, even he said "mommy, Aufar can hear".
From this improvement, we are very grateful. We believe with continuing consume Winmeta with the Alpha PSP, the hearing of my boy will be better.
Testimony on Winmeta : Saripah 31yrs:
Since was 29yrs, I had been failure on my kidney, and have been continuing had dialysis in these 2 years (twice a week), my stomach begun to be bigger because could not pee, the legs were also bigger, shortness of breath, always lay down on the bed with oxygen tools, cannot walk well, can not eat well and hard to sleep.
I have to use wheelchair to go to the hospital, not allowed to drink much. Doctor only allowed me to chew a small ice stone. I had not had menstruation in 8months.
After consuming Winmeta:
Day 3: morning and afternoon, I had pee and defecate well. Early detox was throw up dirty blood from my mouth, after then my body is totally better.
After almost a month, her body is normal, also the legs. Today can drink pure water, and bright on her face (totally not like a sick person), can go shopping, and no need to use wheelchair to the hospital, even the nurses are suprised because she can walk on the stairs in the hospital, have normal breath, and have her menstruation back!
After checked by the doctor, the calcium standard is normal again, the poison level drop to low. Now she is waiting for the test, if it's low enough, the doctor said she might not need to have dialysis anymore. Thank God, Dahsyat!!!!
Winmeta direkomendasikan untuk diabetes,jantung koroner,energi tubuh lemah,kolesterol tinggi,kekebalan tubuh lemah
Winalite Australia website
Winalite global website
Winalite Australia merekomendasikan winmeta untuk diabetes,kolesterol tinggi,jantung koroner,kekebalan tubuh lemah,energi tubuh lemah.
Testimoni winmeta. dokter deni
Ibu saya saat ini berusia 66 th, selama 24 th terakhir ia menderita kencing manis (DM type 2). Kadar gula darah selalu diperiksa sendiri setiap hari, nilainya selalu berkisar 300-400 mg/dl, bahkan kondisi tertentu bisa mencapai 500mg/dl.Untuk itu ibu harus minum obat anti gula 1-2x/hari. Sejak kurang lebih 6 bulan terakhir Ibu mulai tidak bisa jalan, karena salah satu tulang ditelapak kaki kirinya mengalami abrasi karena infeksi, sehingga harus menggunakan kursi roda. Akhir Mei ini saya menganjurkan kepada ibu untuk meminum produk Winmeta. Sayapun dengan berani meminta beliau untuk berhenti mengkonsumsi obat penurun gula darah yg harus dikonsumsi 2x perhari dan susu khusus diabetes.
setelah konsumsi Winmeta 1 sendok takar per hari, setelah 1 minggu, kadar gula darahnya turun drastis dengan nilai hanya <200 mg/dl. Luar biasa., ibu mengakui bahwa badanya terasa lebih ringan, ketawanya penuh energy, dan Ibu mulai Bisa berjalan sendiri ke kamar mandi tanpa bantuan dan rasa nyeri dikakinya berkurang obat diabeteba
Winmeta Launch-Australia
Winalite Australia was excited to launch the much anticipated Winmeta across the capital cities in Australia, starting with Brisbane then Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide.
It proved to be a very successful event with a lot of happy members all wanting to try Winmeta. The results were pleasing for all as they loved the taste and most importantly what this remarkable product can do for their health.
Australia is running a number of promotions for Winmeta as we see already that it will be a fantastic consumable product and one that the members and their teams can really develop strong businesses with.t diabetes
Senin, 01 Oktober 2012
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